Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, the day I have been waiting for is finally here and I am unsure how I feel about it. I've wanted to speed this process up and now I am wishing I had more time. Ugh. Women. We can't ever make up our minds. LOL : ) It's kinda sad that this is the last day I will feel her move inside of me and seeing how this is the last baby I will have, hmmm, ya, not real sure. I might cry. However, I am SUPER excited to see her face and see how much hair she supposedly has....and if it's dark...will she have chubby cheeks..etc...

There's a few people missing to share in my special day. I wish they could all be here and in a perfect world, they would.

My love to all and I can't wait to present to you Miss Quinn Brookelyn Roberts. Let's hope she's just as beautiful as her sister and as healthy as a horse!

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