Monday, January 25, 2010


I wasn't going to blog today..however, after last nights events, I am determined to blog. I want to start by wishing my husband a very happy birthday. I love you more than you will ever know or realize..

ok, last night, Fallie and I were watching the "tummy show" as I like to call it and we played the tapping game. We would tap on my stomach and Q would tap back...HILARIOUS! This went on for about 2 minutes. I told Fallie that she can hear us and of course, she didn't believe me. I told her to say her name and see what she does. Fallen would say "Quinn" and my entire belly would shake like jello...she did this 4-5 times. TOTALLY AMAZING. Fallen then decided she was going to put her ear to my belly..oh, lord. She got it, right in the ear! : )
I am loving how fascinated Fallen is about her sister. She is always asking if that was a kick or a I can really tell. Regardless of how nervous I was about having this baby and taking away from Fallen, I believe it will be just wonderful. I am super excited to see them meet for the first time.
Oh, for the record, Fallen said her first word will be "sissy". god love her....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

dreading the work week

Am I the only person that dreads going to work on a Monday? I think not. I hate it. Next Monday will be tolerable only because I get to go see my wonderful doc and she will check on my babe that is taking over my body....maybe I better start scheduling all my check ups on Mondays....
I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was great to see April on Saturday. I wish she lived closer...or that I lived there. : ) I have a dilemma on the nursery and I can't decide what to do about paint. I wanted chocolate walls x 2 and white walls x2. I can't find the right color of brown and it's I thought I wanted a ceiling fan in her room and now I've found a baby chandelier with pink beads and it's beautiful. With a beautiful price tag of $90 something..whatever. I guess I will figure it all out like I always do. Tomorrow is my sexy husband's birthday. He is 32. Woot. Still sexy..even tho I would love to kill him most days : )
Well, that about does it for now. Quinn's getting a little crazy. Hopefully, that settles down before my bed time. Last week, she didn't get the memo that it was bed time and mama felt like she had been hit by a train from lack of sleep. Oh the things we will go through to have a precious gift of life. I'm ready for April to be here. The month and my friend....

Friday, January 22, 2010

let's try this again.....

I tried doing this before, lost interest, and deleted it. Now, being almost 7 months pregnant, I feel the need to blog. Here I am, 26+ weeks prego and wow! I haven't been pregnant in 9, yes, 9 , years. Shall I say more? How crazy it is that this little baby totally takes over your body...and thinking. I swear, most days, I have a hard time remembering my own NAME let alone anything of utter importance! At any rate, I am going to attempt this blog thing again. I think I just wanted to start it so that my dear friend that lives out of state and my sister that lives in Hawaii can keep track of how I am doing...and how huge I have become! : ) Belly pictures to come!
Have an awesome weekend and bare with me as I try to maintain the blog!